Stubborn fat can accumulate not only in the torso but also in the face and neck, making you look and feel older and detracting from the overall beauty of the features. Enlarged cheeks, bulbous jowls, or a double chin may lower your self-image and interfere with your confidence. Facial microliposculpture transforms the contours by removing small pockets of localized fat, resulting in a slimmer, more chiseled, defined profile.
What is Microliposculpture?
Facial liposculpture is performed to contour areas prone to small pockets of localized fat that distort the profile and cause self-consciousness. A tiny incision is made at the targeted zone, through which is threaded a slender tube called a cannula. The fat cells are then extracted using suction. They can be discarded as waste, or preserved for a facial fat transfer procedure to augment areas of volume loss and depletion.
In contrast to body liposuction, microliposculpture requires a high degree of precision and expertise to protect the integrity of the facial structures while still achieving optimal contouring results. Dr. Kiwanuka’s highly trained and experienced eye for detail will guide your procedure as she sculpts the cheeks, jowls, chin, and neck to create your desired changes.