Pregnancy has a way of altering the breasts, buttocks, hips, and vaginal regions while simultaneously accelerating the signs of facial aging. Fortunately, there is a straightforward, goal-oriented process to reclaim your good looks and slim, sculpted physique. A mommy makeover is a combination approach to reshape the upper and lower body, replenishing your self-confidence and boosting your overall energy and stamina.

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Fit Mom by Core Aesthetics New York

Dr. Kiwanuka is passionate about providing her active, fitness-conscious clients with a way to maximize their workouts and take their self-care to peak levels. That is why she created the cutting-edge system of Functional Aesthetics, a process exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York. Functional Aesthetics holistically fuses beauty, nutrition, athletics, and wellness to deliver game-changing, personalized results.

By pairing J-Plasma, VASER lipo, and EmSculpt body contouring techniques with traditional plastic surgery options, Dr. Kiwanuka is able to achieve exponentially more youthful-looking outcomes. Additionally, she provides a wholesome nutritional plan customized to your unique caloric requirements and preferences.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is undertaken to address a wide range of physical changes that occur after pregnancy, including separated or weakened abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), sagging skin, excess fat, volume loss, wrinkles and lines, and diminished stamina. Although each treatment plan is curated specifically with your needs in mind, a mommy makeover will typically involve the following:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is performed to enhance the chest using implants or, in some cases, transferred fat. It helps combat the deflation and volume loss associated with post-pregnancy physiques.

Breast Reduction

In cases where the breasts have become pendulous and oversized, breast reduction can help relieve chafing, irritation, discomfort, and self-consciousness, expanding your wardrobe options and giving you a new lease on life.

Breast Lift

While breast augmentation is performed to address volume loss, mastopexy is undergone to combat breast ptosis and downturned nipples. Naturally, the two procedures work well together to comprehensively restore balance in the upper body.


Liposuction is performed to remove excess stubborn fat, providing smoother, shapelier contours. It often accompanies surgical procedures to refine and enhance the outcome. During treatment, the fat is suctioned out using a slender cannula and can be preserved for a future fat transfer procedure.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty promotes a flatter, more sculpted midsection by removing redundant skin, curbing excess fat, and tightening the six-pack muscles. The procedure expands wardrobe options while boosting self-confidence and self-image.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift sculpts, slims, and streamlines the inner and outer thighs, restoring firmer skin and a more attractive silhouette. The surgery allows patients to enjoy wearing shorts, skirts, and bikini bottoms once more.

Arm Lift

An arm lift is performed to strategically trim sagging, drooping skin in the upper arms. The surgery restores the upper body after pregnancy, aging, or significant weight loss and can be paired with liposuction, EmSculpt, and J-Plasma skin tightening for an optimized outcome.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Labiaplasty is performed to reduce enlarged labia lips that have been stretched and distorted by the process of giving birth as well as by aging. It can correct a host of concerns, from a loss of sexual enjoyment to chafing, irritation, and discomfort.

Facial Rejuvenation

Neuromodulators such as BOTOX can be combined with dermal fillers to achieve non-surgical revitalization in the forehead, cheeks, temples, jawline, and lips. Nasolabial folds and marionette lines are beautifully erased while youthful volume and radiance are replenished.

How is Functional Aesthetics Incorporated Into My Treatment?

Functional Aesthetics is an approach exclusive to Core Aesthetics New York. It involves a holistic focus on beauty, nutrition, fitness, and wellness with a results-oriented treatment process personalized to your goals. To sculpt a strong, lean physique, Dr. Kiwanuka employs multiple state-of-art skin-tightening and muscle-building modalities in combination with conventional plastic surgery options and a customized nutritional plan. These may include the following:


EmSculpt harnesses the power of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) energy to trigger thousands of muscle contractions, achieving exponentially more toning than can be accomplished with ordinary workouts.


J-Plasma is a revolutionary skin tightening modality that combines the power of radiofrequency energy with helium gas to boost skin elasticity and smoothness. It stimulates the regrowth of collagen, a core protein responsible for skin suppleness and radiance.

VASER Hi-Def lipo

VASER is a minimally invasive ultrasound-based liposuction approach that breaks down stubborn fat prior to suctioning it out of the body through a cannula. The VASER probes are inserted through tiny incisions that require minimal recovery.

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What Are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

  • Expanded wardrobe choices
  • Enhanced satisfaction with one’s image
  • A firmer, shapelier figure
  • Improved bodily proportions
  • A reduction in excess fat
  • Correction of skin laxity
  • Optimized nutrition and well-being
  • Improved energy and stamina
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I love what I see in the mirror again!

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Your Consultation at Core Aesthetics New York

During your initial meeting with Dr. Kiwanuka at her state-of-the-art Upper East Side offices, she will delve into your concerns, listening carefully to the issues that thwart your satisfaction with how you look. The doctor will then perform a physical evaluation as well as a detailed review of your medical history.

Finally, a personalized treatment plan will be curated, designed to accomplish your goals and support your active lifestyle. By pairing advanced technology and innovative surgical techniques with a holistic focus on optimal nutrition and fitness, Dr. Kiwanuka is able to empower her patients to achieve strong, sculpted, balanced bodies and total well-being.

Mommy Makeover FAQ

What are the risks associated with a mommy makeover?

Can I have more children after a mommy makeover?

Will I lose sensation in my nipples after breast surgery?

What are the risks associated with a mommy makeover?

Risks are greatly minimized during a mommy makeover thanks to Dr. Kiwanuka’s meticulous attention to detail and dedication to patient safety. However, all surgical procedures come with inherent risks that may include anesthesia risks, bleeding, infection, hematoma, temporary numbness, poor scarring, poor wound healing, and poor cosmetic results.

Can I have more children after a mommy makeover?

The mommy makeover procedure will not interfere with your ability to conceive or give birth. However, many doctors recommend that women are finished having children at the time of their treatment simply because additional pregnancies may distort one’s cosmetic results. If you do get pregnant again, revision procedures can be performed to reshape the upper and lower body as needed.

Will I lose sensation in my nipples after breast surgery?

Dr. Kiwanuka has many surgical techniques at her disposal and will choose the best approach based on your goals. If you are concerned about a loss of sensation in the nipples after breast surgery, she will choose an incision location that spares the areolas. She will discuss your unique wishes during your private consultation.

Who Makes An Ideal Candidate for the Procedure?

The ideal candidate for a mommy makeover is empowered to achieve her best self and take her self-actualization to greater heights. She is mentally and physically healthy and is not currently struggling with any uncontrolled medical issues such as hypertension or bleeding disorders. Her expectations are realistic and positive, and she is a non-smoker or is willing to quit for 4-6 weeks both before and after surgery.

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Recovery and Self-Care

After your mommy makeover, a friend or family member will escort your home and assist you with basic tasks for the first 24 hours. Dr. Kiwanuka will provide the appropriate compressive garments to help minimize postoperative swelling and keep your newly sculpted contours intact. You’ll receive prescription pain medications to manage any discomfort, along with antibiotics and anti-nausea pills. Drains may be placed to help funnel excess fluids out of the body. Bruising, swelling, and soreness will peak after the first few days and then slowly begin to subside over the next few weeks.

Dr. Kiwanuka will provide a detailed recovery timeline based on the unique procedures that you underwent. In general, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for around 4-6 weeks, giving the body ample time to heal. Light walking is encouraged, however, as it can boost your circulation and enhance your mental health. Most patients return to work within 2-3 weeks, provided that they have sedentary jobs.

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