A Holistic Approach

Dr. Kiwanuka created Functional Aesthetics, a treatment approach that combines wellness, fitness, beauty, and nutrition for a well-rounded and personalized procedure outcome. Every consultation is uniquely tailored to your needs and goals, culminating in a treatment plan that reflects your anatomy, lifestyle, comfort levels, and aesthetic sensibilities.

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What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is performed to reduce the size of enlarged, elongated labia lips. The goal of the procedure is to enhance aesthetics, comfort, and sexual function. Women may choose to undergo labiaplasty for a variety of reasons, including:

  • A desire for cosmetic changes — If you are unhappy with the appearance of your intimate region and wish to alter the size or shape of the labia, the surgery may be ideal for your goals. It can combat the condition where enlarged labia lips show through clothing, known colloquially as “camel toe.” 
  • A need for functional improvements — Enlarged labia lips may lead to chronic discomfort during sex, exercise, and even simple activities such as walking. Sagging, redundant labia skin can hang down beyond the vulva, interfering with everyday activities and making it nearly impossible to enjoy wearing tight-fitting swimwear, pants, or shorts. 
  • A desire to mitigate hygiene problems — Labiaplasty can help correct hygiene problems related to the shape and size of the labia lips. These issues may include a diverted urinary stream or chronic infections.
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How is the Procedure Performed?

Labiaplasty is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia with the possibility of sedation if the patient requests it.

General anesthesia may also be used if the patient is undergoing additional procedures at the same time, such as a mommy makeover or body contouring.

During surgery, Dr. Kiwanuka will choose either the trim method or the wedge method, depending on your unique needs and anatomy. The trim method involves trimming excess skin and tissue to reduce the labia minora. With the wedge method, a triangular portion of tissue is removed from the middle section of the inner labia.

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What Makes Our Approach Revolutionary?

Dr. Kiwanuka created Functional Aesthetics, an innovative approach to aesthetic surgery that combines beauty, wellness, athletics, and nutrition for an optimized treatment experience and exponentially more powerful results. Restoring balance where there is imbalance, Functional Aesthetics holistically elevates quality of life. The following modalities may be included as part of your intimate wellness plan:


This FDA-approved technology non-surgically builds muscle without the need for multiple visits to the gym. EmSculpt disrupts stubborn fat, remodeling the figure in fewer than 30 minutes.


J-Plasma by Renuvion relies on state-of-the-art radiofrequency energy to gently heat the skin’s deeper layers, triggering collagen production. The RF energy is fused with cold helium plasma to help rejuvenate the skin’s radiance and youthful glow.

VASER Hi-Def lipo

VASER liposuction uses potent ultrasound energy to melt stubborn fat and restore definition in the physique. By boosting collagen production, VASER lipo provides long-lasting body contouring and enhanced self-confidence.

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What are the Benefits?

  • Improved comfort
  • Expansion of wardrobe options
  • Enhanced cosmetic appearance
  • Greater ease and pleasure during intercourse
  • An end to “camel toe”
  • Corrected hygiene concerns
  • Boosted self-confidence
  • Short recovery time

Who Makes a Good Candidate for Labiaplasty?

If you are struggling with the size or shape of your labia and notice discomfort during sexual activity or when wearing tight-fitting clothing, you may be an excellent candidate for labiaplasty. Ideal candidates for the procedure are mentally and physically healthy non-smokers who have realistic expectations for their results. Dr. Kiwanuka will meet with you for a discreet, in-depth consultation to discover your specific goals and wishes.

What Can I Expect From Recovery?

Most patients can expect to return home after their procedure and rest for several days. If only local anesthesia is used, the patient can drive herself home after surgery. If oral sedation is used, a different driver will be mandatory.

Minor bruising and swelling may be seen at first, but these side effects will dissipate over the next few weeks. You can alleviate discomfort by using ice packs and over-the-counter painkillers.

Dr. Kiwanuka can also prescribe pain medications if needed. While you will be able to resume a normal routine within 2-4 days, you should wait about 6 weeks before engaging in intercourse or strenuous exercise.

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Why Choose Core Aesthetics New York?

Scandinavian-raised Dr. Kiwanuka brings a refreshing perspective to her practice, insisting on goal-oriented treatments that holistically incorporate wellness, fitness, nutrition, and beauty into each procedure.

She created Functional Aesthetics to help her athletic and health-conscious patients stay amazing and enjoy unlimited success and wellbeing.

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