Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that has gained popularity in recent years. Liposuction has recently overtaken breast augmentation as the most popular form of cosmetic surgery. The procedure involves removing pockets of excess fat from various body areas, including the thighs, abdomen, and arms, to improve body contour and achieve a slimmer appearance. Liposuction is beneficial when shedding excess fat that exercise and dieting have failed to eliminate. If you’re considering liposuction, you should be fully aware of the benefits and risks associated with the procedure.

Benefits of Liposuction

Although liposuction is not meant to be used as a weight-loss solution, it can provide several significant benefits to those dealing with stubborn fat. Here are a few of the most common benefits of liposuction:

Improved Appearance

Liposuction can help improve the appearance of certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms. It can remove stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. This can lead to a more proportionate body shape and improved body image.

Boost in Confidence

Many people who undergo liposuction report feeling more confident and comfortable in their own skin. By removing unwanted fat, liposuction can help individuals feel more attractive and satisfied with their appearance. This boost in confidence can have a positive impact on various aspects of their lives, such as their personal relationships and professional success.

Long-Lasting Results

Liposuction provides long-lasting results, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle. While it is not a substitute for maintaining a healthy weight, it can help individuals achieve their desired body shape and maintain it over time. With proper diet and exercise, the results of liposuction can be maintained for years to come.

Improved Athletic Performance

When you’re carrying around stubborn pockets of excess fat, it can slow you down and negatively impact your athletic performance. Whether you play organized sports, pick-up basketball, or simply like to hit the gym, being rid of that extra fat can help you achieve a higher level of performance.

Other potential benefits of liposuction include:

  • Minimal recovery downtime
  • Enhanced libido
  • Better mobility
  • Reduced risk of certain health problems
  • Reduced inflammatory cells

Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction is generally considered a safe procedure, but like all surgeries, it carries certain risks. It is important for patients to be aware of these risks before undergoing the procedure.


Infection is a potential risk of liposuction, as with any surgical procedure. The risk of infection can be minimized by ensuring that the surgical site is clean and sterile, and by following proper post-operative care instructions. Signs of infection may include redness, swelling, warmth, and pain at the surgical site. Patients who experience these symptoms should contact their doctor immediately.


Bleeding is another potential risk of liposuction. While some bleeding is normal during any surgery, excessive bleeding can be dangerous. Patients who experience excessive bleeding may require a blood transfusion or additional surgery to control the bleeding. To minimize the risk of bleeding, patients should avoid taking blood thinners before the procedure and follow their doctor's post-operative care instructions carefully.


Numbness is a common side effect of liposuction, especially in the treated area. While numbness is usually temporary, it can sometimes be permanent. Patients may also experience changes in skin sensation, such as increased sensitivity or decreased sensation. These changes can be uncomfortable and may take several months to resolve.

Other potential risks of liposuction include:

  • Fluid accumulation 
  • Blood clots
  • Skin irregularities
  • Unsatisfactory results 

Patients should discuss these risks with their doctor before undergoing the procedure. It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize the risks associated with liposuction.

Choose Dr. Kiwanuka for Your Liposuction Procedure

Selecting the right plastic surgeon for your liposuction procedure can make a world of difference in terms of both the results and the risks of the surgery. At Core Aesthetics, Dr. Elizabeth Kiwanuka is a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who approaches each procedure with precision and attention to detail. She and the rest of our team will go the extra mile to provide you with a comfortable experience and superb, personalized results. To schedule your initial consultation, simply contact our office today.

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